RTSR Report
RTSR Peer Comparison Report (Relative Total Shareholder Return)
If an institutional or individual investor is looking to add your company to their portfolio, those investors want to know what companies in a given industry or sector have the best total return in the group. Knowledge of how you are performing against your peers is the first step towards boosting investment and raising shareholder confidence.
By creating the RTSR Peer Comparison Report, RDG is delivering SEC compliant methodology with in-depth analysis and commentary, including company by company RTSR comparison on a quarterly basis.
With our proprietary technology, this can be done at a fraction of the cost of comparable consulting services or preparing the reports in house.
RDG Peer Comparison does this by providing the following:
- Company by company comparison of Total Shareholder Return vs. your competitors.
- We can utilize your performance graph peer group, proxy peer group tied to executive compensation or any custom group you would like.
- In-depth look and text showing where your company ranks each quarter.
- Presentable materials for board members, institutional and individual investors.
- Quarterly opportunity for positive press coverage in the event of good returns.